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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Friend touches me to tears.

Today I got the mail and got some cards back from Paola's swap. When I opened it there was a 2010 Bald and Beautiful calendar. It is beautiful with everyone's heads painted and a bio on each person. It is the cancer calendar. I am so touch by this gift from my friend. That looking at it just brought me to tears. Thank you my friend. Love you. You are a wonderful and special person.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Our Tee Shirts

Our tee shirts were created by the very talented Megan Cuscani Harris.She has been working on the logo with us. She created many beautiful logos for our shirts. This is the one the team has picked. She was great with us as there was a great deal of input from our team. Megan is a mother of 2 a women who speaks her mind and we are a lot alike. She is a freelance Graphic Designer. Team Rack Pack! Thanks Megan for this wonderful gift. Our tee shirts will be up for sale in about to weeks they will be limited so if you want one let us know. They are on sale for a 25.00 donation.