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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Friend touches me to tears.

Today I got the mail and got some cards back from Paola's swap. When I opened it there was a 2010 Bald and Beautiful calendar. It is beautiful with everyone's heads painted and a bio on each person. It is the cancer calendar. I am so touch by this gift from my friend. That looking at it just brought me to tears. Thank you my friend. Love you. You are a wonderful and special person.


  1. Viv,

    I expect no less of SAMA, she is the greatest and that is what makes her so special.


  2. I know this to be very true. Hi Joan how are you.

  3. Gotta say you are both very special in my book...and it is so "Sweet P" to do something that special...hugs to you both...

  4. That is why we call her "Sweet P", but I must point out that YOU are a most deserving recipient! ♥

  5. You gals are making me blush!!!!!!!!
    Thank U for all the accollades,luve ya all!
    Viv....I actually forgot s'mthing else...
    will add it w/ next swap:o)
    And yes. U are very deserving my friend...
    ~~*LOVE YA*~~~~~

    Paola the Temptress
    aka Sama

  6. Thank you my lovely wonderful friends
